We wanted this didn't we? What do we all want from adoption?
We wanted this so badly specifically I wanted it the most. It got to the point where I couldn't accept that I was childless. It was not the path I had wanted for my life and I had not been able to successfully bury these feelings (see much earlier posts for my feelings about this!). After some shocked and bemused discussions we dipped our toes in and skirted in the shallow end for quite some time, gathering information and time after time being astonished that we were a viable couple for adoption. In truth, I kept being astounded by this fact until the day they came home! So what did WE think adoption was? I knew in my heart you didn't get babies anymore- this was not a shock to me to find this out. I thought the process would be grueling and we would be weaned out at some point. I thought it would take a while before a child or children would call me Mummy. I thought I would end up with a child or children with a seriously sad background of abuse. I thought I w...