Getting the interview...but not the job...
Don't you love a good metaphor? Hmmm... We last week we had four 'interviews' and no jobs came from it. We had started the week with 5 open links- a really happy place to be, 5 sets of social workers interested in us...the first rejection I have written about in the last post (and this was the hardest to take) and then through the week 3 more rejections came in. It is fair to say that last week was a hugely depressing week that proved that law of averages is total hogwash and we were, unfortunately, not the average. Hope just kept slipping from our fingers as the days went by. At times I am not sure how I dealt with the more petty things of life as it carried on around me. Alongside this my dog, Gus was getting progressively more blind worryingly quick (we had already been to a specialist about a cataract operation, this culminated the following Monday in an emergency rush to the specialist dog hospital as things appeared dangerously worrying- fortunately it wasn'...